Energy Self-Care Part 1: The Aura

How often do you take the time to clear your energetic body? It is just as important as cleaning your physical body. Over time, energetic “dirt,” if you will, builds up. Have you endured heartache, fear, or disturbances of late? All of you do in the normal course of being human. You can take control of your vitality, your moods, and your health by visualizing fresh energy flowing through your system, flushing out any energetic toxins. Do this regularly and you will feel the difference. Taking control of your self-care is a most loving thing to do for yourself as well as those around you.

~ Suzanne Giesemann

Why do we need to take care of our energetic body?  

Energy animates our lifeforce and is propelled through our bodies in intricate patterns, rhythms and channels.  If we are alive, as electrical beings, we have a biofield.  Our biofield is like our energetic skin and is our first line of sensing and defense to outside influences.  This protective bubble is generated in part by our hearts and brains, the earth’s polarities and the grander universal energy field matrix we all belong to.  Our personal energies are constantly intermingling with the energy of others and it’s not uncommon for us to take on some of the energy of other people.  

Our protective shield can become compromised if we are too often around people who are sour and negative. The world is a messy place, there’s plenty of different energies flying about and even for the most spiritually awakened person, it’s all too easy for a biofield to become drained, muddied, or hindered with a million outside influences. These types of unbalanced emotional energies can infiltrate our personal energy biome leaving us suddenly in a bad mood. It can make us feel ungrounded, scattered, scrambled and vulnerable to more unwanted energies. We can suddenly feel tired, run down, unbalanced, anxious, depressed and can even become ill. Our biofields, called auras by Eastern traditions, are also capable of holding on to our unwanted thoughts, unprocessed emotions, negative self-images, and negative self-talk. Even drugs and food can muddy our biofields.

The energetic body is comprised of electromagnetic pulses created by emotions generated in our physical body. There are over 72,000 nerves that bundle in seven places called the nadis or chakras. These bundles interact with our energetic biofield, relaying information about our stress and emotions that we pick up from our environment. Essentially, cleansing our aura is helping us to release the charge of emotional experiences and habitual thought patterns that can affect our physical body, when they build up.  Knowing how important our biofield is to our emotional and physical wellbeing the first step I recommend for energy self-care is Aura cleansing.  It can make you feel more vibrant, clearer, happier, more balanced – more “yourself”.  

Aura cleansing is all about intention.  When my youngest daughter was small her sensitive nature could lead her to get frustrated and easily upset.  Becoming loud and feisty she would suddenly find it difficult to handle her own excitable emotions.  Knowing how powerful our thoughts are I created an aura infusing spray by mixing spring water with a blend of beautiful calming soothing essential oils.  When my daughter would struggle with her emotions, I would suggest to her to use the magical “happy” spray that was always sitting on the kitchen counter.  When she sprayed this  into her field it would infuse her senses with a soothing fragrance and she believed the positive “happy” intentions of the spray would clear away her distresses.  She would instantly calm down and the irregular static that was looming in her field would easily dissipate.  You can never underestimate the power of intention. 

Use imagination to get out of a rut and move towards positivity, health and vitality. When we are holding a lot of emotional charges in our aura, we can feel physical stress in our body, which can create an energetic density in our biofield. It’s important for us to learn ways to release these congesting emotional vibrations. Aura cleansing can also remove mental blocks that keep us from realizing potential— allowing us to see what can go right instead of immediately thinking of what could go wrong. Think of it like bacteria that builds up in our mouth when we don’t brush our teeth. Since people can intuitively sense a dense aura holding resentment or fear, they avoid it. When we clear our field, people will literally feel more comfortable around us. Like attracts like, so we’ll find that instead of attracting people holding onto trauma or victim mentalities, we will start interacting with people who see possibility.

26 Ways to Cleanse your Aura


1~ Light, imagined or real is a great aura cleanser. When I'm feeling a little down, frazzled or depleted, I will visualize breathing light into my field. With each inhalation, I think of myself drawing in the white light that expands my field to grow brighter and brighter. I imagine this light purifying and restoring my body while it continues to push out the negative and foreign energies that are not serving me. Once it has expanded beyond my personal space, I  think of all the old debris being swallowed up by the larger energy matrix field where it can be neutralized and reabsorbed.  

2~ Swim in the ocean or put a cup of sea salt in the tub to help cleanse and reset your polarities. Since salt conducts electricity, the electrical discharge will further release through osmosis in the salt water, clearing away any last bits of energetic residue stirred up in the field and releasing at a cellular level. 

3~ Take a shower. Moving water generates negative ions which cleanse your aura’s positive ions

4~ Keep water to keep hydrated. You are electrical being, and your sensing and messaging energy system depends on drinking enough water and not being dehydrated. 

5~ Walk at the beach with the salt breezes will help calm and cleanse your energy field.

6~ Walk in the rain outdoors. The cleansing properties of the rain on the earth are likewise beneficial for cleansing auras.

7~ Meditate that a waterfall of white light is flowing over you. Imagine it enveloping you, washing away negativity, pain, grief or sadness as it cleanses you, refreshing you, making you sparkle. Allow the cleansing to make you feel whole and full of light and beautiful energy.


8~ Breathing in nature, and grounding, helps to restore the polarities.  

9~ Soak in sunlight to get the vital nutrient vitamin D. It will enhance your energy levels and revitalize overall energy systems and your aura.

10~ Smudging or burning sage, palo santo or incense.  This is an ancient tradition used to “clear the room” or people with negative energies.  Recent studies show that this ancient practice has scientific backing; the chemical reaction of the smoke with your energy field has a physical effect on our body that can actually be measured.  


11~ Use a Himalayan salt lamp, an element that generates negative ions in your home.

12~ Rub a selenite crystal on sore muscles to help remove irregular energy that may be causing pains that can effect your aura.  Heat and inflammation radiate to cause energetic vortexes that can cause irregularities to your biofield.  

13~ Wear an amethyst, black tourmaline moonstone, selenite, or aqua aura necklace, bracelet or earrings. These can help transmute negative energies into positive ones. Carry them in your pocket or put them by your desk at work.

14~ Wear your favorite colour to greatly affect your aura.  Every time I have a client, I think about what colour I might wear that will help them feel most happy and soothed. 


15~ Be preventative in your surroundings and choose to spend time with people who bring light and energy into your world. If you are in environments that are negative and tend to be a drain, the chances are your aura is being drained.  

16~ Think of your aura as having a 2-inch-thick membrane that surrounds your body 360 degrees like an egg, an arm’s length out from your own outstretched arm.  Imagine pouring a beautiful colour above the top of your head that quickly fills this protective energetic membrane with love and light.  Just radiating this colour energy helps to attract more of the same. Tell yourself that, “Only positive energy is allowed to surround me,” and set the intention to bring a smile to everyone.

17~ I love to use 528 Hertz solfeggio scale music, the energies of love and well being, to harmonize with my body’s biofield.  It’s nice to play any music designed for your nervous system like Hemisync which helps you move into a theta or delta brainwave to calm internal stress.

18~ Clear clutter from your home and car to help you feel less congested. You constantly interact with your environment, and your external environment reflects your internal mind, and what it harbours and attracts. 

19~ Consider visiting an Energy Medicine, Reiki, Acupuncturist or massage therapist practitioner as a part of your monthly regimen.  They can help you find the sources of your energy imbalances. These holistic therapies will always leave you feeling lighter and brighter. 

20~ Doing the Zip up, an Eden Method exercise, where you run the palm of your hand, starting from your pubic bone, up the centre of the body to the chin helps to seal up your energetic core. By doing this you are tracing your electrical channel called the Central meridian.  I like to twist my fingers under my lips like I’m locking myself into my energetic space suit.  I do the same on my back, from my sacrum, up the back, over my head to just below my nose. This traces the Governing electrical channel that ultimately joins with Central meridian at the back of your mouth, creating a continuous loop.   While doing both of these I might think of a positive affirmation – like I’m zipping in “I deeply love and accept myself.” 

21~ Celtic Weave, is another wonderful Eden Method exercise that helps to strengthen your aura by weaving in cross-over patterns. Our biofield is most vibrant and healthy when its tightly woven in figure 8 patterns. 

22~ Another visualization exercise that is combined with a physical action is to comb your aura. Spread your fingers to make a comb and comb figure 8 patterns around your body starting at your head and continuing downward to your toes. This exercise, like the Celtic Weave similarly encourages more healthy crossover patterns


23~ Practice deep breathing. Imagine drawing in fresh balanced healing energies and breathing out the old stale irregular energies.  I often count as I breathe; 1 for the in breath, 2 for the out breath, and so on. Several minutes of this mini meditation will help remove negative energies that can cloud your vision while opening your mind to your deep innate wisdom.

24~ A daily practice of Yoga or Qi Gong are one of the easiest ways to keep the aura shiny! Both are designed to promote the healthy flow of energy while naturally training your body to hold more energy in your nervous system.

25~ Immerse yourself in some type of education or classes on emotional management. Register for my one of my Eden Method classes "Relieve Anxiety and Stress with Energy Medicine". I can help you address anxiety and overwhelm, release pent up anger and frustration, calm the fight-or-flight response, show you how to remain centered, and release past emotions. This is an excellent opportunity to retrain your neural pathways to choose only thoughts that you allow into your brain, while learning how to direct them.

26~ Practice self-love to help you to stay soft and nurtured regardless of what negative energies are flying around all over the place. Daily affirmations, visualizations, and changing your inner dialogue are ways of weaving more self-love into your world.

“Never give from the depths of your well.  But from your overflow”


Love Becca