Different Modes of Sensing - Part 6: Clairgustance

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Clairgustance or clear tasting, is the ability to taste something that isn’t actually there. It means that you taste things energetically. The experience can come out of the blue and suddenly you will be tasting a substance, without having placed anything in your mouth. The effect is similar to our normal sense of taste, but the items you are tasting are not physically present.

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4 Tips to Managing Today's New Normal

Reality is starting to sink in that we are in a new way of life. Covid-19 has shattered the average person’s day-to-day life. Things are not going back to “normal” and it is very easy to have anxiety and stress during these times, but there are ways to help with that. After reaching out to various people, professional and personal, here are some amazing tips I have found helpful to manage and develop strong positive mental health during these uncertain times.

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Coley NielsenComment
How Core Potentials is managing Covid-19 day-to-day

The measures implemented to stem the rate of infection of COVID-19 have caused a great upheaval to society, upsetting social norms and daily routines. For some, life has slowed dramatically, leaving us with more family time and less work hours. For others, working from home can be a challenge with young kids needing attention and care. Stress and anxiety are on the rise as the need to care for elderly or disabled family members increases.

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Krista LevesqueComment

Here are some methods to help balance your Root Chakra
Exercise, dance and movement
Meditation (specifically those that connect you with your body and the Earth)
Grounding practices: walking barefoot on the Earth, rubbing & massaging your feet. Give yourself a pedicure - wear RED nail polish or wear RED socks!
Practice gratitude
Use the colour RED: Wear it, eat RED foods such as raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, beets, red peppers, radishes and RED apples 🍎

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 5: Clair Empathy

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. The basic definition of Clair empathy means “clear emotional feeling.” It’s having a supernatural awareness of emotional energy. Clair empaths are extremely sensitive to the energetic vibrations of the emotions, attitudes, or physical ailments of people, places, animals, or objects. They can literally feel what others feel and experience the symptoms as if they were their own. It’s like a process of energy transfer between persons, places, or objects. It’s an extrasensory form of empathy.

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My Experience Doing the Medical Medium's Liver Cleanse: Days 7-9

We made it through the middle 3 days, which I feel were the toughest days of the cleanse.  Consuming no fat is hard as fat is what gives you that feeling of satiation.  I hate feeling hungry!  It makes me edgy and irritable.  Doing this as a family was a good lesson on honing our skills of emotional intelligence.  Days 7, 8, and 9, here’s what happened.

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My Experience Doing the Medical Mediums Liver Cleanse -Days 1-3

The holiday season is always lots of fun but after going to the all the parties, consuming lots of alcohol, eating lots of festive rich delicious oversized plates of food and devouring too many yummy desserts, chocolates and sweets, we decided as a family to nose-dive into 2020 with a health and fitness lifestyle reset. Day 1, 2, 3 are done and here’s what happened

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Why I Believe so Strongly in Osteopathy

I have been a big advocate of osteopathy long before Britte took this path. I have seen colic babies eased into the happiest babies in the world, witnessed sciatic pain almost cured in more than one person, and valued the help to the mental stability of my husband after repeated concussions.  Without osteopaths, I wouldn’t have the life I do today. After car accidents, giving birth to two babies, and the recurring injury of computer and phone neck my body should be a wreck, but it isn’t. That is 100% do to the work of osteopaths. 

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Water Rhythm: Energy Medicine - 5 Elements

Winter is a time when nature is in hibernation guiding us to slow down and tune into our bodies’ need for stillness and rest.  In Energy Medicine we can look to the Chinese Five Element model to understand that we are entering into the energy of the Water Rhythm.  The essence of this element holds features of the cold, dark, deep, and mysterious. It symbolizes the embryo of potential and the seed of a new plan. When we are immersed in these energies, we are called to retreat within ourselves to percolate and birth new ideas for the new year ahead of us.  For me it is a magical time with its invitation to be mindful about life, nature and balance. 

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 4: Clairsentience

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Clairsentience is “Clear feeling”. It’s the ability to perceive, sense or feel things via emotions, gut feelings and or physical sensations. Clairsentient people can be human emotion detectors! They can intuitively feel and sense through different kinds of physical or emotional stimuli from other people or from the environment around them.

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Scars and Chronic Pain - The Unknown Connection

I commonly get people in my office that have pretty serious chronic issues including - but not limited to - low back pain, frozen shoulder, sciatica (which is pain that runs down the leg), migraines, hormonal issues, numbness or tingling in the fingers and toes… you name it. One of the first questions that I like to ask is “do you have any scars?” This throws people off a bit. Why would a scar be connected to my issue? Well, scars - especially the large and poorly healed ones - are very commonly the source of chronic symptoms.

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Core PotentialsComment
5 Reasons I Love Journaling

The best part of journaling is that you can have it look and be anything you want. My personal journal is a mixture of doodles, scribbles, pages and pages of random thoughts, a mixture of colours and basically the chaotic-ness of my brain spilled onto a page. Journaling can mean different things to different people, which is why I love it and wanted to share some ideas of why you would want to journal, what a journal can look like, and the benefits of journaling, as I reflect on what journaling means to me. 

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 3: Clairaudience

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Clairaudience comes from the French words clair (clear), and audience (the action of hearing). Put them together and you’ve got clear hearing. Clear hearing can be the ability to receive intuitive impressions through audible sounds. You can hear your own voice internally in your head along with sounds, words, music and tones.

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Metal Time: Energy Medicine – 5 Elements

In Traditional Chinese medicine “Fall time” is where we move into one of the rhythms of the 5 elements called “Metal”.  It’s a time of year where the Earths energies change, and we go into a season where we begin to shut down and store the energies that we will use to rebirth ourselves in spring.  It’s a time where we need to rebuild and regenerate from our expansive summer energies.  Metal time holds the energy systems of the Lung & Large Intestine, which are all about breathing out stale energy to allow for fresh energy and inspiration and letting go of what no longer serves us.

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Celebrating World Food Day ... every day

World Food Day on October 16th, is an annual day to create awareness around healthy food sources, world hunger, and education on how to make healthy food choices.  This year I spent World Food Day educating elementary school students about the importance of preserving their own food, especially in light of climate change.

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Krista LevesqueComment