Dear Sugar, Would you like a date?

For many of us, December is a time for holiday sweets. Recipes pass from generation to generation. Gifting of homemade favourites is a sure way to show someone you love them. One of my favourite holiday memories is decorating dozens of my mom’s Italian cookies; a tradition I now do each year with my own children. Giving and receiving of sweets brings joy and comfort to the holiday season and we would be remiss to turn down an offer of homemade cookies and candies.

Choose your sugar consumption wisely. When making handmade sweets try substituting whole foods. If you decide to eat a holiday cookie with processed sugar; relish the sweetness, be thankful of the love that went into making it, and cherish the memories that accompany it.

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Core Basics: Balancing Blood Sugar

If you are one of the millions of people like my client who has a form of “insulin resistance,” (fluctuating blood glucose levels, prediabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome) maintaining normal blood sugar levels can be challenging. A drop or spike in your levels can result in serious health problems as well as common complications, including fatigue, weight gain and sugar cravings. Implementing our basic strategies can start the process.

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How I Survived and Thrived Through Exam Week

I developed habits over the past 5 years to learn and deeply understand all the complex information I needed for my Osteopathic School 5th year finals week. These habits came in handy when I was in the final sprint and I’m sharing them with you to help you through a tough week, whether for exams, a major work project, or any other crazy time you have in the future. These were my keystones – the habits that I used to survive and thrive through my journey.

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 9: Remote Viewing

When Remote viewers view, they're asked to work blind to what they’ve been asked to explore. When learning to connect to this quantum field of infinite knowledge, thoughts pour in, and the protocol of CRV teaches you how to organize these impressions on a piece of paper. You are attempting to describe very subtle information that is much weaker than your conscious perception.

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Spring into loving your Liver

The Liver is most affected by emotions and stress. It is commonly associated with anger when it’s out of balance, and expansion when in balance. When our liver energy is not flowing smoothly throughout our body it can lead to feelings of stress, frustration, and anger, as well as physical symptoms like a tight neck and shoulders, PMS, menstrual problems, and even digestive problems. The liver in balance brings about positive mental emotional attributes of compassion, patience, acceptance, benevolence and honesty. Read Becca’s newest blog how to help your liver make a smooth transition into Spring.

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Energy Self-Care Part 1: The Aura

Energy animates our lifeforce and is propelled through our bodies in intricate patterns, rhythms and channels. If we are alive, as electrical beings, we have a biofield. Our biofield is like our energetic skin and is our first line of sensing and defense to outside influences. This protective bubble is generated in part by our hearts and brains, the earth’s polarities and the grander universal energy field matrix we all belong to. Our personal energies are constantly intermingling with the energy of others and it’s not uncommon for us to take on some of the energy of other people.

Our biofields, called auras by Eastern traditions, are also capable of holding on to our unwanted thoughts, unprocessed emotions, negative self-images, and negative self-talk. Even drugs and food can muddy our biofields.

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5 tips to prevent you from “computer neck”

‘Computer neck'' is that achy, tight area in the back and sides of your neck that seems like it won’t go away no matter how many visits you make to the massage therapist. The neck can turn into numbness and tingling in your arms and fingers, cause low back pain, tension headaches, and eventually irreversible damage in your spine. On top of that, a lot of tubes run through our neck area that are in charge of lymphatic drainage, arterial flow, digestion, and respiration. What does this mean? Well, if we are chronically tight in our neck muscles, this can lead to not only issues in our spine and upper extremities, but respiratory issues, cardiovascular diseases, and even changes with digestion. This is a big problem!

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Core PotentialsComment
Getting Past New Years Resolution Burn Out

Many of us that set goals or resolutions for 2021 have just reached the 1 month hump into the New Year. This is when we get the first wave of resolution burnout and some of the goals get dropped by the wayside. Letting go of some things, especially if that is energetically what you need to do, is okay, just check in and ask yourself why you are choosing to let it go. At my one month check in, I have asked myself these questions as I reflect on my progress.

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Grounding Connects You to Your Higher Self

Grounding offers an instant way to discharge unwanted energies

Grounding supports us energetically

Grounding restores and rejuvenates our energy field

Grounding promotes an instant sense of calm

Grounding improves mental, emotional and empathic clarity

Grounding helps to give our life’s purpose somewhere to land

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My Journey to a Healthy Me - Part 2: Taking Responsibility for my Health

Advocating for my health is not something new to me. As someone who has struggled with my weight for most of my life, I have on numerous occasions had to deal with the ramifications of fat-shaming and biased doctors. Certain facts about my health have been ignored and others have been over-emphasized. I learned the hard way that my health, figuring out what is wrong and what needs fixing, is up to me. I want to stress that not all doctors or health-care practitioners I’ve encountered have been biased. Doctors and healthcare practitioners are hard-working intelligent people that know how to fix their piece of the puzzle, but they are human and do not know everything. This means that the whole picture, putting together all the pieces, is my responsibility.

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 8: Clairtangency

Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Clairtangency, also known as psychometry, is the ability to receive information by touch. People with this intuitive ability can get a sudden insight about the history of an object, person, animal or place when they physically touch it.

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Confessions of a Feminist Mom

Let’s get one thing right out in the open - being a parent is hard; kids are consuming in ways we cannot truly understand until we become parents. That being said, I love being a Mom - the hugs, the smiles, and the pride I feel for them fills my heart, but there are times when I forget myself while being consumed by my kids. I had this idea in my head that being a feminist and mom meant I could do everything without the emotional toll and physical drain. That is simply not true;

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Different Modes of Sensing - Part 7: Clairolfactance

“Different Modes of Sensing” is a multi part series teaching you about how different people receive information while Remote Viewing. Psychic smelling is an extra-sensory gift that is the powerful ability to sense beyond our normal physical modes of sensing. It involves smelling a fragrance or odour of a substance, person, place, or animal not in one's surroundings. These odours are perceived without the use of the physical nose and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.

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The Secret to Living Without Pain

According to research, if you can think it, feel it, and put action toward it, then that possibility may manifest for you. I see it as having a goal that you are working towards. If you have no goal, then you have no trajectory and no way of knowing when you have achieved that goal. …. I asked Daphne, “I have heard you tell me about all the ways that your life is bad and not getting any better. I am curious, what would your life look like if you were healed?”

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My Journey to a Healthy Me - Part 1: Gut Microbiome Testing

Google has to be the most overwhelming tool that has ever been invented. At your fingertips is an abundance of information, information that you discover can be contradictory and confusing, especially when it comes to DIETS. From the new trendy diets to conflicting medical research, and add in food industry media campaigns, it is no wonder we are all overwhelmed. Even after all this research, we are basically left with trial and error until something works. The process is time consuming, exhausting, and can cause a loss of motivation. After going through this process myself, I realized there must be an easier way, and I found one - Viome Gut Testing.

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